The Morgens Group, LLC
Wellesley Hills
Sherborn Norwood




Neuropsychological Evaluations
A neuropsychological evaluation is a comprehensive assessment of one's cognitive abilities and functions and how they interact with development and social-emotional and behavioral functioning.
In addition to a clinical interview and observation, standardized test procedures are used to assess the various abilities that relate to the individual’s functioning. In some cases, generally for children, an observation at school is included. The areas that a neuropsychological evaluation may assess, but are not limited to, include:


Areas addressed by a
Neuropsychological Evaluation

Intelligence / Cognitive Skills
Academic Achievement
Attention / Concentration
Learning and Memory
Language and Communication Skills
Visual Perception / Spatial Skills
Motor Skills / Coordination
Sensorimotor / Sensory Processing
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking / Conceptualization
Executive Functioning (Planning, Organization, Abstraction, etc.)
Developmental Abilities
Motivation / Judgment
Social-emotional functioning / Mood / Personality
Adaptive and Self-Help skills/functioning
Behavioral functioning

The areas addressed in an individual's evaluation are determined by the referral question, client's (or parent) complaints and symptoms, and observations made during interview and test administration. Some abilities may be measured in more detail than others, depending upon the client's individual needs.

When to seek out a Neuropsychological Evaluation:
A neuropsychological evaluation is recommended when there is a suspected neurologically-based impairment. The impairment may be mild or severe and can affect cognitive functioning, mood, social-emotional functioning and/or behavior. Referrals are typically made to diagnose, clarify or rule out possible conditions.

Common Reasons Neuropsychological Referrals are Made

Change to physical health (e.g., traumatic brain injury, strokes, seizures, illness, etc.)
Memory Problems (e.g., Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease, etc.)
Affects of toxins (e.g., substance Abuse toxic exposure, etc.)
Developmental concerns or delays (speech, motor, social)
Difficulties with social interactions (with peers, adults, caregivers, etc.)
Reduced self-help or daily living skills
Separation Anxiety
Sensory Issues (e.g., under-aroused, easily over-stimulated, etc.)
Attention and concentration difficulties
Academic or occupational struggles / Failing to meet potential
Academic, social, behavioral or emotional needs not being met at school
Difficulty understanding others despite normal hearing
For some populations, updated neuropsychological evaluations are useful for tracking progress (e.g., rehabilitation of TBI, children receiving specialized services or educational plans, etc.). Neuropsychological evaluation are important for treatment planning, whether for disability determination, rehabilitation, educational or vocational.

Results of a Neuropsychological Evaluations will include a comprehensive profile of the client's strengths and weaknesses as an individual, and may include a diagnosis, if criteria are met, in order to provide client-specific treatment strategies and determine what therapeutic services and educational/vocational modifications are needed in order to optimize the client's progress.

Our clinicians are also available to attend your child's school Team Meetings to describe the results and their implications for the child's learning, as well as offer support, answer questions, and provide recommendations.



The Morgens Group, LLC | 6 Abbott Street | Wellesley Hills, MA  02482 | (781) 899-1160
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