The Morgens Group, LLC
Wellesley Hills
Sherborn Norwood


Job Openings at The Morgens Group

The Morgens Group is very excited to offer the following positions:

Current Openings

Clinical Psychologist - Teen and Family Specialty
Clinical Psychologist - Couples Counseling
Specialized Tutors
Clinical Psychologist
  Currently, we have openings for part-time psychologists who specialize in child and family work and/or couples counseling.  Qualified clinical social workers (LICSW) will also be considered. 

Our clients present with a range of issues including ADHD, executive dysfunction, autism spectrum disorder, depression, anxiety (.e.g, Social Phobia, OCD, etc.), relationship challenges, and eating disorders.

Clinicians familiar with and utilizing an integrative model of CBT, collaborative problem solving, and family system approaches are preferred.  License in the state of Massachusetts is required.  Flexible fee for service model with competitive compensation.  The position includes complete flexibility with number of hours and scheduling.  Interested candidates should apply by emailing a letter of interest and resume/CV to the email address posted on the right bar.

Responsibilities include:

- Complete diagnostic intakes, treatment plans, goals, and objectives, and progress notes for assigned caseload.


Specialized Tutors  

Qualified candidates must have a Bachelor's Degree and
have met rigorous professional requirements in their area of expertise (e.g., elementary and/or secondary education, child development, educational assessment, learning theory, learning disabilities, principles of educational therapy, etc.).

Responsibilities include:

- Tutor children, teens, or adults with special learning needs.

- Work in collaboration with the neuropsychologist or educational therapist to develop a training program for our clients that is based on their specific learning and cognitive profile. 

- Maintain tutoring progress notes that facilitate any necessary modifications to the tutoring training program.


The Morgens Group, LLC is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.


The Morgens Group, LLC | 6 Abbott Road | Wellesley Hills, MA  02481 | (781) 237-3200
© 2003 The Morgens Group, LLC All Rights Reserved


Psychologist Application Process

Please submit your cover letter,
CV / resume, and references to:


Tutor Application Process

Please fill out the following
application and submit with your
cover letter and CV / resume